How does the molecular structure of the soft matter affect its properties and functions at the macroscale? How can scientific ideas lead to the acceleration of innovation? An interdisciplinary background across the field of Polymer Physics brings together competences essential to lead the success of a research project - and a bit more. The subjects of investigation range from homopolymers to copolymers and blends, for applications such as sustainable energy storage and conversion, lightweight & recyclable solutions.
To shed light on the interplay between the structure and dynamics of polymers as well as their response to external stimuli, a series of advanced characterisation techniques is employed providing versatile viewpoints: they include analytical, spectroscopic, structural, thermodynamic and mechanical probes. Below you may read the latest results as published in international refereed journals. Currently I work at the Innovation Headquarters of Borealis in Linz, Austria, developing next generation polyolefin compounds for Electrification solutions.
Further information is available in my full CV.
" Correlation of single-point parameters of linear rheology and molecular weight distribution of polypropylene homo- and copolymers", Gshcwendner, G.; Gitsas, A.; Gahleitner, M.; Moser, P.; Paulik, C. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2024, 141, e55232.

" Crystallisation kinetics and associated electrical conductivity dynamics of poly(ethylene vinyl acetate) nanocomposites in the melt state", Stalmann, G.; Matic, A.; Jacobsson, P.; Tranchida, D.; Gitsas, A.; Gkourmpis, T. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3602. doi: 10.3390/nano12203602.
" Crystallization kinetics of melt-mixed 3D hierarchical graphene/polypropylene nanocomposites at processing-relevant cooling rates", Carmeli, E.; di Sacco, F.; Portale, G.; Cavallo, D.; Kadar, R.; Gitsas, A.; Gkourmpis, T.; Tranchida, D. Composites Part B 2022, 247, 110287. doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2022.110287.
" Mechanical behavior of melt-mixed 3D hierarchical graphene/polypropylene nanocomposites",
Gaska, K.; Manika, G.C., Gkourmpis, T.; Tranchida, D.; Gitsas, A.; Kadar, R. Polymers 2020, 12, 1309. doi:
10.3390/polym12061309. Editor's Choice
"Melt-mixed 3D hierarchical graphene/polypropylene nanocomposites with low electrical percolation threshold", Gkourmpis, T.; Gaska, K.; Tranchida, D.; Gitsas, A.; Muller, C.; Matic, A.; Kadar, R. Nanomaterials 2019, 9, 1766. doi: 10.3390/nano9121766.
"Byproduct-free curing of a highly insulating polyethylene copolymer blend: an alternative to peroxide crosslinking", Mauri, M.; Peterson, A.; Senol, A.; Elamin, K.; Gitsas, A.; Hjertberg, T.; Matic, A.; Gkourmpis, T.; Prieto O.; Müller, C. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6, 11292. doi: 10.1039/C8TC04494E.
"Effect of film structure and morphology on the dielectric breakdown characteristics of cast and biaxially oriented polypropylene films", Rytöluoto, I.; Gitsas, A.; Pasanen, S.; Lahti, K. European Polymer Journal 2017, 95, 606. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2017.08.051.
"Nanostructuring polymeric materials by templating strategies", Knoll, W.; Caminade, A.-M.; Char, K.; Duran, H.; Feng, C. L.; Gitsas, A.; Kim, D. H.; Lau, A.; Lazzara, T. D.; Majoral, J.-P.; Steinhart, M.; Yameen, B.; Zhong, X. H. Small 2011, 7, 1384. doi: 10.1002/smll.201100026.

"Designing polymeric nanorod arrays for optical waveguide-based biosensors", Gitsas, A.; Lazzara, T. D; Yameen, B.; Steinhart, M.; Knoll, W.; Duran, H. Phys. Status Solidi (c) 2011, 8, 3179. doi: 10.1002/pssc.201000664.
"Polycyanurate nanorod arrays for optical-waveguide-based biosensing", Gitsas, A.; Yameen, B.; Lazzara, T. D.; Steinhart, M.; Duran, H.; Knoll, W. Nano Letters 2010, 10, 2173. doi: 10.1021/nl1009102.
"Effects of nanoscale confinement and pressure on the dynamics of pODMA-b-ptBA-b-pODMA triblock copolymers", Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G.; Butt, H.-J.; Pakula, T.; Matyjaszewski, K. Macromolecules 2010, 43, 2453. doi:
"Hierarchical self-assembly and dynamics of a miktoarm star chimera composed of poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate), polystyrene and polyisoprene", Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G.; Mondeshki, M.; Lieberwirth, I.; Spiess, H. W.; Iatrou, H.; Hadjichristidis, N.; Hirao, A. Macromolecules 2010, 43, 1874. doi: 10.1021/ma902631e.
"Effect of pressure on the phase bahavior and segmental dynamics in blends of polystyrene with poly(methylphenyl siloxane)", Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G.; White, R. P.; Lipson, J. E. G. Macromolecules 2009, 42, 5709. doi:

"Poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) peptides confined to nanoporous alumina: pore diameter dependence of self-assembly and segmental dynamics", Duran, H.; Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G.; Mondeshki, M.; Steinhart, M.; Knoll, W. Macromolecules 2009, 42, 2881.
doi: 10.1021/ma900119x.
"Pressure dependence of the glass transition in atactic and
isotactic polypropylene", Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G. Macromolecules
2008, 41, 9423. doi:
"Control of peptide secondary structure and dynamics in poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate)-b-polyalanine peptides", Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G.; Mondeshki, M.; Spiess, H. W.; Aliferis, T.; Iatrou, H.; Hadjichristidis, N. Macromolecules 2008, 41, 8072. doi: 10.1021/ma801770b.

"Effect of chain topology on the self-organization and dynamics
of block copolypeptides: from diblock copolymers to stars",
Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G.; Mondeshki, M.; Butt, H.-J.; Spiess, H. W.;
Iatrou, H.; Hadjichristidis, N. Biomacromolecules
2008, 9, 1959. doi: 10.1021/bm800221n.

"Self-assembly and molecular dynamics of copolymers of γ-methyl-L-glutamate
and stearyl-L-glutamate", Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G.; Dietz, M.;
Mondeshki, M.; Spiess, H. W.; Wegner, G. Macromolecules
2007, 40, 8311.
doi: 10.1021/ma070792i.

"Self-assembly and molecular dynamics of peptide functionalized
polyphenylene dendrimers", Mondeshki, M.; Mihov, G.; Graf,
R.; Spiess, H. W.; Müllen, K.; Papadopoulos, P.; Gitsas, A.; Floudas,
G. Macromolecules 2006,
39, 960. doi: 10.1021/ma0621270.

"Role of main chain rigidity and side chain substitution on
the supramolecular organization of rigid-flexible polymers",
Riala, P.; Andreopoulou, A. K.; Kallitsis, J. K.; Gitsas, A.; Floudas,
G. Polymer 2006, 47,
7241. doi:

"Self-assembly of pODMA-b-ptBA-b-pODMA
triblock copolymers in bulk and on surfaces. A quantitative SAXS/AFM
comparison", Wu, W.; Huang, J.; Jia, S.; Kowalewski, T.; Matyjaszewski,
K.; Pakula, T.; Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G. Langmuir
2005, 21, 9721. doi:

"Effects of temperature and pressure on the stability and
mobility of phases in rigid rod poly(p-phenylenes)",
Gitsas, A.; Floudas, G.; Wegner, G. Physical
Review E 2004, 69, 041802.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.69.041802.
We are on the front cover of the Physica Status Solidi (c) November 2011 issue!

Book Chapter
In "Functional Polymer Films"
Volume 2

"Nanostructured optical waveguides for thin film characterization"
Duran, H.; Lau, K. H.; Cameron, P. J.; Gitsas, A.; Steinhart, M.; Knoll, W.
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2011, ISBN: 978-3-527-32190-2