V.G. Ledenev, V.V. Tirsky
, V.M. Tomozov
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics Siberian Branch of
the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lermontov St. 126, Irkutsk 664033,
Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Based on numerical solving dispersion equation, we
determined spectra of weakly damped high-frequency waves in the hot
magnetized plasma for the weak (the electron cyclotron frequency
is lower than the electron plasma frequency
) and mildly strong (
magnetic field. Eigen oscillation spectra of the hot magnetized plasma
differ significantly from spectra of the cold one. At the fixed level
of the solar corona longitudinal waves can be excited in wide
frequency band (up to 40% of the plasma frequency) in the region of
the refraction index n
10. There are waves with anomalous
dispersion (i.e. waves whose frequency decreases when wave number
increases) at the angles between the wave vector and the magnetic
field close to
and n
1. Under condition
dispersion curves corresponding to z-mode and ordinary
waves approach and became practically indistinguishable under
. Obtained results allow us to
explain more naturally the origin of such events in solar radio
emission as type IV bursts, U-bursts and wideband pulsations.