C. Marque, B. Nicula
, D. Berghmans
, and the Meudon Solar
Radio Group
Royal Observatory of Belgium, Solar Physics Department, Ringlaan
3, Brussels B-1180, Belgium
Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France
The Solar Weather Browser: a quick-look solar data browser abstract: The Solar Weather Browser (SWB) is an open-source software developed by the Royal Observatory of Belgium to monitor the solar activity by easily combining solar images with context overlays. It relies on a server that pre-processes the data, and distributes them through a web server to which the SWB client connects to. The client does not require IDL. We will present the last improvements brought to the client, as well as to the server side: we will in particular emphasize the developments made for recent solar missions and show how it can be used to display and quickly analyze solar events involving radio instruments like the Nancay Radioheliograph. The client is available for Linux, Mac Os X and Windows at: http://sidc.be/SWB/