G. Pothitakis, P. Preka-Papadema
, A. Hilaris
, X.
, C. Caroubalos
, C.E. Alissandrakis
, P. Tsitsipis
A. Kontogeorgos
, J.-L. Bougeret
, G. Dumas
Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy & Mechanics, Department of
Physics, University of Athens, GR-15783 Athens, Greece
Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, GR-15783 Athens, Greece
Section of Astrogeophysics, Physics Department, University
of Ioannina, Ioannina GR-45110, Greece
Department of Electronics, Technological Educational Institute of Lamia,
Lamia GR-35100, Greece
LESIA, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, 5 Place J. Janssen, F-92195
Meudon Cedex, France
We present a study of 30 type II bursts recorded by ARTEMIS-IV radiospectrograph in the 100-650 MHz range during the recent solar maximum; these are accompanied by SXR flares and, mostly, by SOHO/LASCO CMEs. Our analysis covers the relationship between type II and CME and flares characteristics. It appears that certain morphological commonalities of the radio events correspond to similarities in the shock generation mechanism as described by existing models.