Radio Fine Structures in X3.4/4B flare/CME Event in AR0930 on 13 Dec 2006

Yihua Yan

National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Datun Road A20, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012, China

The flare productive region NOAA 930 on solar disk at S05W33 location produced an X3.4/4B flare at 02:40 UT on 13 Dec 2006. The complicated radio bursts with a 44000 SFU at 10 cm wavelength, Type II burst with shock speed of 1534 km/s and Type IV radio sweeps were associated with this event, as well as a fast moving CME with estimated projected speed of 1500 km/s. Very rich complicated radio fine structures including spikes, zebra patterns and spiky zebra features, narrow type III bursts, pulsations and periodic pulsation structures, fibrils and rope-like stripes, mixed fast and slow drifting stripes, etc., were observed during the long period from 02:20 to 05:10 UT by the spectropolarimeters in 1-2 GHz, 2.6-3.8 GHz and 5.2-7.6 GHz at NAOC/Huairou with very high temporal (1.25-8ms) and spectral (4-20 MHz) resolutions. Combined with Huairou magnetograph observations, TRACE EUV images, RHESSI HXR observations and STEREO low frequency observations, the associations of these radio fine structures and the flare/CME processes are analyzed so as to understand the physical nature of the observed phenomena.