

Scientific Activities


Research - projects

- Analyses Localisees de Chamgement Social (Local Analyses of Social Change),
National Centre of Social Research (Å. Ê. Ê. Å. - Greece) êáé Centre National de la Recheche Scientifique (C.N.R.S. - France), 1986-1989. This interdisciplinary project was supervised by well-known experts of Greek society as G. Burgel, M. Sivignon, E. Kolodny, H. Mendras, B. Kayser and S. Damianakos. The part of the project in which I participated dealt with three Epirot villages, in which long-term field study took place (Greveniti, Aetopetra, Pirsogianni.

- Ecological Study of Pindus Mountainous Ecosystems Goulandri Museum of Natural History (assigned by the Environment Ministry), 1990-1992. Sub-project director.

- Broader dimensions of demographic issues in S. Albania University of Patras, 1994-1995. Researcher.

- Environmental perception and policy making: Cultural and natural heritage and the preservation of degradation-sensitive environments in Southern Europe, University of Cambridge (Great Britain) - also participated the universities of Padua (Italy), Cranfield ( Great Britain ) and Bourgogne (France), 1994-1996. Sub-project director.

- Musical Tradition of Epirus, University of Ioannina - Municipality of Ioannina (assigned by the General Secretary for Research and Technology as part of the EPET II project), 1995-1998. Research director.

ARCHAEOMEDES II - Policy-relevant models of the natural and anthropogenic dynamics of degradation and desertification and their spatio-temporal manifestations,
University of Cambridge (Great Britain) - also participated the following universities Umea-Uppsala (Sweden), Amsterdam (Holland), Manchester-Cranfield-Newcastle (Great Britain), Coimbra (Portugal), Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), INRA-SAD LESCA-Montpellier-Equipe PARIS (France), Agricultural University (Greece), 1996- 1999. In this project Sub-project director.

- The implications of settlement and employment of foreign working force in rural Greece, University of Patras - University of Ioannina (assigned by the ministry of Agriculture), 2000-2002. Director.

- Migration, Borders, Cultural Identities and Ethnic Groups in the Greek-Albanian Borderland, University of Ioannina (assigned by Ministry of Education as part of PYTHAGORAS II- EPEAEK project), 2004-2007.

- Place- Culture-Identity. From Aoos banks to the internet,. Interreg III, University of Ioannina, 2007-2008. Sub-project director.

- Preservation of nature through religion, Thalis, University of Ioannina, 2013-2014. Sub-project director.