Valianou M, Cox AM, Nakao Y, Kasikara C, and Astrinidis
A. Pharmacologic inhibition of PLK1 decreases the survival
of TSC1 and TSC2 deficient cells. Discovery Day Drexel University
College of Medicine, 7 October 2010
Valianou M, Cox AM and Astrinidis A. Pharmacologic
inhibition of polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) decreases the viability
and survival of TSC1 and TSC2 null cells via induction of
autophagy. The LAM Foundation 2010 International Conference,
Cinciatti OH, April 9-11, 2010
Valianou M, Cox AM and Astrinidis A. Pharmacologic
inhibition of polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) decreases the survival
of TSC1 and TSC2 deficient cells. Discovery Day Drexel University
College of Medicine, 7 October 2009, Philadelphia PA [Outstanding
Poster Presentation Award]
Cox AM and Astrinidis A. Pharmacologic inhibition
of polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) decreases the survival of hamartin
and tuberin deficient cells. International Tuberous Sclerosis
Complex (TSC) Conference: From DNA to Therapeutics , 23-26
September 2009, Bloomington IL
Cox AM, Koutroukides T, Kennedy A, Astrinidis A. The
tuberous sclerosis complex proteins regulate centrosome amplification,
mitotic progression and cytokinesis. Breast Cancer Interdisciplinary
Scientific Symposium Drexel University College of Medicine,
17 May 2008, Philadelphia PA
Outstanding Poster Presentation, 1st place - Discovery Day
Drexel University College of Medicine
Gómez-Baldó L., Schmidt S., Maxwell
C.A., Bonifaci N., Gabaldón T., Vidalain P-O., Senapedis
W., Kletke A., Rosing M., Barnekow A., Rottapel R., Capellá
G., Vidal M., Astrinidis A.§, Piekorz R.P.§, Pujana
maintains nuclear envelope structure and controls cell division.
Cell Cycle 9(6): 1143-1155 
Gómez L, Astrinidis A, Maxwell CA, Piekorz
R, Pujana M-A. From TACC3-interactome mapping to TSC2 cancer
molecular dependencies. Abcam Mitosis and Cancer Symposium,
26-27 February 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Gómez-Baldó L, Schmidt S, Maxwell CA,
Bonifaci N, Gabaldón T, Vidalain P-O, Senapedis W,
Kletke A, Rosing M, Barnekow A, Rottapel R, Capellá
G, Vidal M, Astrinidis A, Piekorz RP, Pujana MA. TACC3-TSC2
maintain nuclear envelope structure and control cell division.
International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) Conference:
From DNA to Therapeutics , 23-26 September 2009, Bloomington
de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Spain
Travel Award - International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)
Conference: From DNA to Therapeutics, 23-26 September 2009,
Bloomington IL
Eugene Beaird, BS
Summer Research Fellow (2009)
BS Mol. Cellular and Dev. Biology 2008 -
U. Washington
Currently: Medical Student - Drexel
I. Mitotic phosphorylation of hamartin and tuberin
Beaird E, Valianou M and Astrinidis A. PLK1-dependent phosphorylation
of hamartin and tuberin. Discovery Day Drexel University College
of Medicine, 7 October 2009
Medical Student Summer Research Program
2011 |
Spadidea P, Kasikara C, Nakao Y, Astrinidis A. Screen
of FDA-approved drugs as a therapeutic approach for sporadic
pulmonary Lymphangioleiomyomatosis and Tuberous Sclerosis
Complex. The LAM Foundation International Research Conference,
8-10 April 2011, Cincinnati OH |
Nakao Y, Kasikara C, and Astrinidis A. Screen of FDA-approved
drugs as a therapeutic approach for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.
Discovery Day Drexel University College of Medicine, 7 October
Valianou M, Cox AM, Nakao Y, Kasikara C, and Astrinidis
A. Pharmacologic inhibition of PLK1 decreases the survival
of TSC1 and TSC2 deficient cells. Discovery Day Drexel University
College of Medicine, 7 October 2010
Canan Kasikara
International Student Intern (2010)
Science, Molecular Biology and Genetics
University, Ankara, Turkey
I. Drug screen for TSC/LAM
Nakao Y, Kasikara C, and Astrinidis A. Screen of FDA-approved
drugs as a therapeutic approach for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.
Discovery Day Drexel University College of Medicine, 7 October
Valianou M, Cox AM, Nakao Y, Kasikara C, and Astrinidis
A. Pharmacologic inhibition of PLK1 decreases the survival
of TSC1 and TSC2 deficient cells. Discovery Day Drexel University
College of Medicine, 7 October 2010
Abstracts |
2011 |
Valianou M, Astrinidis A. TSC1 and TSC2 null cells exhibit higher sensitivity to autophagy and apoptosis upon PLK1 inhibition - implications for therapy? The LAM Foundation International Research Conference, Cincinnati OH, 8-10 April 2011 |
2010 |
Valianou M, Cox AM, Nakao Y, Kasikara C, and Astrinidis
A. Pharmacologic inhibition of PLK1 decreases the survival
of TSC1 and TSC2 deficient cells. Discovery Day Drexel University
College of Medicine, 7 October 2010 |
2010 |
Valianou M, Cox AM and Astrinidis A. Pharmacologic
inhibition of polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) decreases the viability
and survival of TSC1 and TSC2 null cells via induction of
autophagy. The LAM Foundation 2010 International Conference,
Cinciatti OH, April 9-11, 2010 |
2009 |
Valianou M, Cox AM and Astrinidis A. Pharmacologic
inhibition of polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) decreases the survival
of TSC1 and TSC2 deficient cells. Discovery Day Drexel University
College of Medicine, 7 October 2009 [Oustanding Poster Presentation
Award] |
2009 |
Beaird E, Valianou M and Astrinidis A. PLK1-dependent
phosphorylation of hamartin and tuberin. Discovery Day Drexel
University College of Medicine, 7 October 2009 |
2009 |
Outstanding Poster Presentation, 1st place - Discovery Day
Drexel University College of Medicine |
Abstracts |
2011 |
Spadidea P, Kasikara C, Nakao Y, Astrinidis A. Screen of FDA-approved drugs as a therapeutic approach for sporadic pulmonary Lymphangioleiomyomatosis and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. The LAM Foundation International Research Conference, Cincinnati OH, 8-10 April 2011 |
Shannon Hartley, BS
Lab Assistant II (2010-2011)
BS Biology 2011 - Gettysburg College
I. Drug screen for TSC/LAM