

Research Interests:

·      Biological Inorganic Chemistry or Inorganic Biochemistry or Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry

·      Metallomics, Bio-organometallic Chemistry

·      Drugs activation (NSAIDs, Antibiotics or Antithyroids) with main group elements (CoMeDs)

·      Small Bioactive Molecules (SBaMs) containing main group elements

·      Discovery and development of new therapeutic Anticancer or Antibacterial agents

·      Encapsulated CoMeDs or SBaMs into micelles, hydrogels or natural resins with enhanced bioactivity

·      Active medical devices (conduct lens, medical gauzes, etc)


·      Characterization of new CoMeDs and SBAMs by combining all available spectroscopic and theoretical tools.

·      Study of the interaction of CoMeDs or SMaMs with intra-cellular components modulating their function.

·      DNA - CoMeDs or SMaMs interaction.

·      Enzymes - CoMeDs or SMaMs interaction

·      Mitochondrial Membrane - CoMeDs or SMaMs interaction.

·      Cells and Bacterial screening

·      Photoactivated Anticancer Compounds.

·      Study of the mechanism of action of anti-thyroid drugs.


This research work has been published in more than 165 articles in International Scientific Journals and a total number of more than 5500 citations (Scopus) up to now.


h-index is 45 (ISI) June, 2022


7 Ph.D and 43 Master theses were resulted from this work, up to now.


The results of my research have been presented in 130 International and/or National Conferences with 20 oral presentations, 130 posters and 15 papers in proceedings of conferences.