Athanasios Konstantinidis

Department of Mathematics
University of Ioannina
Section of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Research



Journal Papers

  1. Cluster deletion on interval graphs and split related graphs.
    Athanasios L. Konstantinidis and Charis Papadopoulos.
    Algorithmica (to appear).
  2. Maximizing the strong triadic closure in split graphs and proper interval graphs.
    Athanasios L. Konstantinidis and Charis Papadopoulos.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 285: 79-95, 2020 (pdf).
  3. Parameterized aspects of strong subgraph closure.
    Petr A. Golovach, Pinar Heggernes, Athanasios L. Konstantinidis, Paloma T. Lima, and Charis Papadopoulos.
    Algorithmica 82: 2006-2038, 2020 (pdf).
  4. Strong triadic closure in cographs and graphs of low maximum degree.
    Athanasios L. Konstantinidis, Stavros D. Nikolopoulos, and Charis Papadopoulos.
    Theoretical Computer Science 740: 76 -84, 2018.

Refereed Conference Papers

  1. Cluster deletion on interval graphs and split related graphs.
    Athanasios L. Konstantinidis and Charis Papadopoulos.
    44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science,(MFCS 2019), Aachen, Germany, 2019. Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik, LIPIcs 138: 12(1)-12(14), 2019 (arXiv).
  2. Parameterized aspects of strong subgraph closure.
    Petr A. Golovach, Pinar Heggernes, Athanasios L. Konstantinidis, Paloma T. Lima and Charis Papadopoulos.
    16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory, (SWAT 2018), Malmo, Sweden, 2018. Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik, LIPIcs 101: 23(1)-23(13), 2018 (arXiv).
  3. Maximizing the strong triadic closure in split graphs and proper interval graphs.
    Athanasios L. Konstantinidis, and Charis Papadopoulos.
    In 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2017), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 53:1--53:12, 2017.
  4. Strong triadic closure in cographs and graphs of low maximum degree.
    Athanasios L. Konstantinidis,
    Stavros D. Nikolopoulos, and Charis Papadopoulos.
    23rd Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, (COCOON 2017), Hong Kong, China, 2017. Springer Verlag, LNCS 10392: 346--358.

Last updated: May 2021


Contact Information:

Department of Mathematics
office: 207c
phone: +30 26510 08226

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