Graduate level:
METAL-LAB offers high quality education at a graduate level by the following courses:
Physical Metallrgy I (5th semester)
Physical Metallurgy II (6th semester)
Laboratory Practice in Materials IV - Metallurgy (8th semester, 13 exercises)
Corrosion and Protection of Metals (7th semester)
Metal Forming (7th semester)
Engineering Alloys (9th semester)
Aluminium Technology (9th semester)
Powder Metallurgy (9th semester)
Welding Technology (9th semester)
Post-graduate Level:
METAL-LAB, being amongst the founders of the Interdepartmental post-graduate program leading to the award of MSc in Chemistry & Technology of Materials, participates in the following teaching courses:
Phase Transformations in Metals (6 out of 36 h /semester)
Advanced Alloys (6 out of 36 h /semester)
Materials Technology Laboratory (4 out of 12 experiments)
- Crystal structure, Defects, Mechanical & magnetic properties (3 out of 36 h /semester)
Furthermore, METAL-LAB, being amongst the founders of the post-graduate program leading to the award of MSc in Advanced Materials, participates in the following teaching courses:
Undergraduate - Postgraduate Support (until 2019):