In the early 90's, Professors Y. Naidich from Kiev (Ukraine), N. Eustathopoulos from Grenoble (France) and R. Sangiorgi from Genova (Italy) undertook the initiative to bring together, for the first time, researchers of the West and East Europe who had been successfully working for many years on wetting and capillary phenomena at temperatures as high as those of molten metals, alloys and glasses. That initiative resulted in the first international conference on High Temperature Capillarity (HTC), which was held at Smolenice castle in Slovakia, in the Spring of 1994.
The success of the first congress and the enthusiasm of participants led to the development of the scientific tradition of HTC Conferences, regularly taking place every 3 years around the globe. The following HTC Conferences were held in Cracow (Poland, summer 1997), in Kurashiki (Japan, autumn 2000), in San Remo (Italy, spring 2004), in Alicante (Spain, spring 2007), in Athens (Greece, spring 2009) and in Eilat (Israel, spring 2012); the next conference is to be held in Bad Herrenalb (Germany, spring 2015).
In San Remo, the tradition of 3 years' gap between the Conferences was expanded to 4 years, because 2004 coincided with the 200th anniversary of the famous Young equation, a key equation which defines the field. A special session was dedicated to that special event, opened by Professor P-G. de Gennes (1932-2007), Nobel Laureate in Physics in 1991. The initial 3-year schedule was re-established with the conference held in Athens in 2009.
In 2007, with the occasion of organizing the HTC-2009, the HTC-conferences got their own web-page in the Internet at the address www.htcconference.org.
HTC travels the world...

Click on the spot of each Conference to link to the relevant page...